Under Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER), cycle 5, awarded project is to develop the integrated surface and groundwater modeling for the trans-boundary Kabul River Basin (KRB) with Satellite Enhanced Snow-melt Flood and Drought Predictions. We apply the advanced NASA satellite data to track snow, snow melting, floods, surface water coverage, and droughts over the KRB.
Scientific merits:
1. The KRB flood prediction models using NASA satellite observations that capture the magnitude, timing, and spatial distribution of watershed scale snow-melt parameters.
2. Combined surface and ground water modeling and prediction analyses.
Our project answers the following development challenge:
- integration of research and development related to the accurate snow depth and snow water equivalent data, snowmelt processes, soil infiltration during soil freeze, application of NASA satellite data to improve the flood prediction on KRB
- integration of research and development related to the surface and groundwater movement and prediction analyses on KRB, identifications of the best practice for the groundwater recharge
- university-led forums to promote improved sustainable management of shared water resources within the context of climate change in Central Asia (Kazakhstan), Afghanistan and Pakistan
- improvement of water management and technical modeling skills for scientists and local end-users
- development of information-based management of current and future water resources with water modeling technologies
- modeling of projected climate change impacts on flow, snow melt and vegetation cover
- analyses of projected impacts of climate change on transboundary water sharing